The Way It Is

Monday, June 11, 2007

USA Network's Burn Notice

Have you ever had those deep-down dreams of being a spy? I used to have those dreams all the time when I was younger, but I never had the pleasure of having any great James Bond Style toys around to play with. But now with the USA Network's Burn Notice on TV, I can relive those moments and wonder what and how I would do if I were a spy. I would definitely buy one of those Made-for-TV gadgets that lets you listen to others' conversation from far away. That would allow me to get the scoop on people and things that are going on. If my assets were frozen, I would move to the city and seduce a young banker woman into allowing me easy access into the funds of the bank. This amount of cash would give me ample opportunity to buy time, and even start a new bank account under a new name. I would then max all of the credit cards I apply for and get some high-tech gear. I would be set then.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Steve, just stopping by to see your Burn Notice post. I had to write a short story about the main character and how and why he got the Burn Notice-what a fun opp! Have a great weekend :)

7:15 AM  

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